우린 세계로 혼자가 아닌, 함께 갑니다.

Welcome to the University of Waterloo!

We are delighted you have chosen to participate in an Exchange program at the University of Waterloo. As an exchange student, you will have the opportunity to participate in the outstanding academic programs offered at the University of Waterloo as well as experience Canada's cultural diversity.

Getting Started

In order to participate in an international exchange program, you must be enrolled at one of the University of Waterloo's Exchange Partner universities. Your home university will determine if you are eligible to participate in an exchange program; therefore, you must contact the exchange office at your home university prior to completing the online exchange application.

If your university is not among those listed as a University of Waterloo Exchange Partner, you may attend the University of Waterloo as a Visiting Student on a Letter of Permission or you can consider transferring to the University of Waterloo as a full-time degree student (for transfer students, please apply through the Ontario Universities' Application Centre).

Credit System
Admission Results
English Language Requirements 
Tuition Fees


Read all of the following instructions carefully before applying.

Undergraduate Students

All incoming undergraduate non-degree exchange students must complete the University of Waterloo's International Incoming Exchange Program Application.

There is no application fee for students applying as an incoming exchange student.

When completing the online application, you are responsible for submitting correct and complete information. Please ensure that you have access to a printer and set aside approximately one hour to complete the application.


You will be required to complete your course selections for your first term of study at the University of Waterloo. Prior to filling out the application, ensure that you follow these 3 steps:

  1. View course descriptions through the Undergraduate Calendar and have courses pre-approved for credit transfers at your home institution prior to applying for the exchange.

  2. Review the Undergraduate Schedule of Classes (paying close attention to the search code applicable for each term):

  • for course offerings during each term
  • to avoid scheduling/timetable conflicts with course selections
  • NOTE: Some courses may include supplementary tutorials (TUT) or labs (LAB) in addition to the lectures (LEC). When reviewing the schedule of classes and evaluating time conflicts, you should consider these items as well (if applicable).
  1. Select 5-7 courses allowing for a couple of “back-up” courses in the event that restrictions or scheduling conflicts arise.

Please note that some courses may be restricted to exchange students. These restrictions are determined by the respective academic department/faculty. You will be informed of your course approvals once your application has been processed.


Please note that full course descriptions (including notes on textbooks, marking schemes, assignments, tests, midterms, exams, etc.) are usually provided to students during their first class. Some courses have this information available to students through ACE (which is a learning management system) once they are registered in the course. However, it is primarily up to the respective professor if he/she will post the information on-line. Some professors only provide students with this information during their first class.

When researching your course selections, your best option is to search through ACE for the same course that was offered in a previous term since the course syllabus from previous terms is generally still available on ACE. The syllabus will provide additional information to the description in the undergraduate calendar but it is important to note that the course structure (e.g. specific topics, methods of assessment, textbooks, etc.) may change in future terms, especially if a different professor will be teaching the course. You can search for various courses on ACE through the following steps:

  • access ACE
  • under the menu entitled “Search and Help” (left hand side) click on “Course Search”
  • under the “Keyword Search” box type in the particular course (e.g. FR 151)
  • the content for the various course/term offerings will be listed as separate links
  • click on one of the course links (be sure to click on the actual course name and not the instructor or any other field)
  • if a full description is available, it will be linked under the heading “Syllabus” in the resources tab

Typically your home university will base their initial assessment on the course outlines that are available in the Undergraduate Calendar if a syllabus is not available through ACE. The course syllabus will be provided during your first class, at which time you may forward it to your home university for their full assessment.

Once your application is complete, you should print two copies of the form. Submit one copy of the completed application to your home university's Exchange Officer for approval (Note: a signature is required) and keep a copy for your records. Once approved, your Exchange Officer will forward the completed application as well as all required documents (e.g. transcripts) to the University of Waterloo.

Please address your application to the appropriate Study Abroad Manager:

For Asia/Australasia/Americas/Turkey:
Andreea Ciucurita : aciucurita@uwaterloo.ca
Study Abroad Manager

For Europe/Iceland/Scandinavia/UK:
Maria Lango
Study Abroad Manager

International Programs
Waterloo International
University of Waterloo
200 University Aveunue West
Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1 Canada

Applications must be received at the University of Waterloo by the following dates:

Admission Term

Application Deadline

Fall 2011: September - December

March 1, 2011

Winter 2012: January - April

October 1, 2011

Spring 2012: May - August

November 1, 2011

NOTE: Please allow up to 8 weeks for the processing of applications from the date that all necessary documents are received by the Study Abroad Manager

If you have any questions about your application, please contact the University of Waterloo's Incoming Exchange Coordinator

더 자세한 사항은 http://www.exchange.uwaterloo.ca/howtoapply.html 에 있습니다^^ 

1. 수강신청 변경 기간 : 2011. 9. 1(목) ~ 9. 14(수)

2. 수강신청 시스템 개방시간 : 9. 1(목) 낮 12:30부터 9.14(수) 밤 23:59까지

     (KAIPA System으로 수강신청 가능)

3. 수강신청 변경 방법 : Kaipa(http://kaipa.kaist.ac.kr)에 로그인하여 새로운 과목을 추가 수강신청 또는 이미 수강신청한 과목에 대한 수강 변경 및 취소

4. 수강신청 변경 절차

Kaipa(http://kaipa.kaist.ac.kr)에 접속하여 해당학기에 개설된 교과목 확인(Kaipa → 개설강의조회 / Portal → Webcais → 학사 → 교과목 →개강과목 ⇒ Kaipa에 로그인하여 수강신청 변경 ⇒ 최종 변경을 마치면 ‘완료’버튼 클릭 ⇒ 수강신청 변경내역을 출력 ⇒ 출력한 ‘수강신청변경.취소원’에 지도교수의 서명을 받아 학과/전공 사무실에 제출(무학과 학생은 학적팀에 제출)


5. 유의사항

 가. 수강하고자 하는 과목의 수강인원 초과 등 전산상으로 수강신청이 안될 시에는

    ‘수강신청변경.취소원’에(학적팀에 비치) 수강하고자 하는 과목번호, 분반, 과목명, 학점, 재수강 여부 등을 기재하여 교과목 담당교수의 확인(싸인)을 받은 후 지도교수의 확인을 거쳐 9.14(수) 오후 6시까지 학적팀에 제출하여 수강변경 하시기 바라며 9.14(수) 오후 6시 이후에는 수기로 작성된 수강신청변경.취소원을 접수치 않으니 반드시 시간을 엄수하시기 바랍니다.

 나. ‘완료’ 후 수강신청내역을 변경하고자 하는 경우는 학적팀에 연락하여 완료 해지를 요청한 후 수강신청 변경(단, 수강신청 변경기간 내에만 가능)

 다. 학사과정 학생은 수강신청 변경 또는 취소 후 최종 신청학점은 12학점 이상 24학점 이하가 되어야 함.  다만, 120학점 이상을 취득한 학생이 지도교수와 학과장 승인을 얻은 때에는 12학점 이하를 이수할 수 있음. (교과과정 운영지침 제15조)

 라. 수강변경기간 종료 전 까지 최종 수강내역 반드시 확인 요망.


6. 기타 문의

    - 수강신청 관련 : 엽정길(T.042-350-2366)

    - 재수강 관련 : 박현주(T.042-350-2362)

아, 다행이다
그래도 교양은 신청 빡세니까 레터 받아야겠다'-' ㅋㅋㅋ

How to Give a Speech

카테고리 없음 2011. 7. 26. 11:46 by Malon

How to Give a Speech

You’ve already prepared and rehearsed your presentation. Now the big day has arrived. 

Here’s what you can do to give a speech you can be proud of.

  1. Arrive early.
    Check out the room. Make adjustments to the seating and lighting, if necessary. Test the microphone, if you’re going to be using one. Set up and test your audiovisual equipment. Speak to the person who’s going to introduce you. Greet people as they arrive and begin establishing a connection with them. (Leaders take responsibility not just for their speeches, but for the event.)

  2. Adjust your attitude.
    Remember that the audience wants you to succeed. (What audience really wants to sit through a boring or incoherent talk?) And remind yourself that you want your audience to succeed. (Your proposal or idea is going to help them solve a problem, achieve a goal, or satisfy a need, right?)

  3. Smile.
    Even before you begin your speech, people will be looking you over, checking you out. Look confident – even if you don’t feel it – and excited – as opposed to fearful – and you’ll start on the right foot.

  4. Walk to the podium with confidence.
    When you’re introduced, walk confidently to the podium and shake the hand of the person who introduced you.

  5. Establish your space.
    If you’re speaking from the podium, set your notes down. Adjust the microphone so it points to your mouth. Plant your feet. Take a breath. Look up. Take another breath. (This sounds like a lot to do, but it only takes 5 or 10 seconds.) If you’re speaking without a podium, walk to where you want to stand. Plant your feet. Take a breath. Look at your audience. Take another breath.

  6. Connect with your audience.
    Look at your audience one person at a time. Don’t address the audience as a whole. Speak to individuals. Look at one person. Establish eye contact. And speak to that person for 5 to 7 seconds. Then find someone else to look at and repeat the process. 

  7. Speak from notes or memory.
    Don’t read your text. And, if you’re using PowerPoint, don’t read your slides. You will bore everyone – including yourself – to death. Use the PowerPoint slides, an outline, handouts, or 3 by 5 cards to jog your memory. Remember, your aim is to communicate a message, not say each and every word you planned on speaking.

  8. Speak as if you are holding an animated conversation.
    Say “I” and “you.” Anything else – “this speaker” or “yours truly” – sounds pompous. Avoid saying “you,” however, in a judgmental or blaming context. (Almost any statement that begins with “you people” is bound to end badly.) Speak in language, images, and terms that the audience readily understands. If you need to use jargon, define it immediately unless you are absolutely convinced that every person in your audience understands it.

  9. Be yourself.
    If you have a good sense of humor, use it. If you’re a wonderful storyteller, by all means tell a story. Never imitate another speaker, even a good one. You’ll sound – and feel – phony. Don’t try to be unique or interesting. Be as fully and completely yourself, unrestrained by your fears and desire to please others, and you will be both unique and interesting.
    If you make a mistake, apologize and go on. Laugh at yourself and your audience will love you for it,

  10. Convey yourself – your feelings and commitment – not just your content.

    Dale Carnegie wrote, “There are three cardinal rules of public speaking: 
    1) Speak about something you have earned the right to talk about through experience or study. 
    2) Be excited about your subject. 
    3) Be eager to share your talk with your listeners.”
1 2 3 
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우린 세계로 혼자가 아닌, 함께 갑니다.

by Malon



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